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data transmission network中文是什么意思

用"data transmission network"造句"data transmission network"怎么读"data transmission network" in a sentence


  • 数据传输网络


  • The construction of the integrated data transmission network of electric power system
  • Focusing on the real - time performance , the design of data transmission network and embedded data acquisition device is discussed
  • First the feasibility of using ethernet in industrial environment is analyzed , using switched ethernet as substation insulation information transmission network and using tcp / ip protocol suite as the protocols of higher layers is suggested . the factors affecting the real - time performance of data transmission network is presented and the method to improve the performance of ip protocol stack and reduce the traffic of network is focused
    首先分析了以太网应用于工业环境的可行性,提出使用交换式以太网作为变电站绝缘信息传输网络,使用tcp ip协议作为高层协议;给出了影响数据传输实时性的各种因素,重点讨论了ip协议栈性能优化和减少网络负荷的方法。
用"data transmission network"造句  


DTN, formerly known as Data Transmission Network, is a subscription-based service for the delivery of real-time weather, agricultural and commodity market information. Telvent DTN is the name of the service that is owned by its parent company Telvent.
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